Monday, November 5, 2007

Second Second-Date Update

Ahh. Women are tough to understand. Here's an update on the last post. I don't know why she didn't kiss me, but it looks like she realized she'd better make her interest clear after turning her head. The bottom line: Don't-Care Strategy Success.

Hey [Me],

Thanks for lunch yesterday. It was good to see you again.

How was the game?

While I'm here, let me share more good news. My new friend is starting to look stable: I just got an e-mail from her, asking what my weekend is looking like. It also looks like I'm going to start a new job at the end of the week. The job is part of my personal master plan to give me a huge push in terms of getting more social experience (I'm 24, and it's my first job). But I'll dedicate an entire post to that soon.

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