Monday, July 23, 2007


Good news...the last few days, I've been starting to feel a bit less anxious and more confident about all of this. I thought about the phone thing I mentioned, and realized that all the phone conversations I can think of have been good, or better. Hmmm, so why the anxiety before? I guess just because I don't do these things much and forget that they aren't really difficult. I talked to my 1 close friend on the phone this morning and tried to observe what makes that so easy. I think it has to do with not having any concern about what the other person thinks about what you say, how you say it, etc. But more on that later. Overall, I'm starting to feel like if I can just have enough to talk about, I'll be just fine starting out with all these social interactions. Again, the goal is pretty as much socially as possible, which I'm pretty sure will lead to a greatly increased and eventually normal or better comfort level with these things.

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