Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dancing on the Grave: An Epic Milestone

As I headed toward the parking garage from SuperBar, light drizzle rained from the early morning sky as a cool breeze swayed gently across my body. I was distinctly relaxed, observing my surroundings as I walked, carefree, engulfed completely by a sense of fulfillment.

I had reached the confluence of dreams and reality.

A homeless man stopped me, calling out "Hey, Shirt!" in observation of my stylish attire. I played along with his questions about who the President and Vice President of the United States were. He then asked for money, but I didn't mind giving him a couple dollars. I couldn't possibly have minded giving him a couple dollars, because I had just experienced my best night of my life.

After my date with Rayna, I went home, watched the basketball game, and headed out to SuperBar. It had been five weeks since my last visit, which was easily the longest I'd stayed away since first discovering the bustling nightclub. Because I'd arrived later than usual, the lines outside were so long that Danny, my bouncer friend, couldn't possibly have seen me at the end. I had no intention of waiting long, so I walked around the line to the side where Danny was checking ID's and letting people in.

Just as I got around the line, Bina saw me and called my name. We'd become good friends since my readers convinced me to stop dating her. She'd invited me to a birthday party that night, saying that the group might come by SuperBar for dancing afterwards. She asked how long the wait would be in line, but I told her that she and her friend could just come in with me.

A moment later, Danny saw me, came over, and shook my hand. I usually don't sound or feel as confident talking to him, but with Bina around, my confidence exuded as I alternated between calling him "Danny" and "D," a nickname I'd given him. He asked how many people I had with me, then said it was no problem. As he gave the girls VIP passes, I asked how everything had been, and said I liked his outfit. I was an impressive, smooth-talking gentleman who didn't need to wait in line to get in. I thanked Danny once more, and the ladies were thoroughly impressed by my great connection at the club. On the inside, Bina said she and her friend would leave me to "do my thing." And so, I did my thing.

Perhaps because everything had gone so smoothly outside the club, I found for the first time that I didn't really need any time to warm up socially. I started full-blown dancing as soon as I hit the floor, and realized that I was actually a good dancer. Glancing behind me, I noticed that people sitting were smiling as they watched. As I continued on the dance floor, I saw others watching me and apparently pointing me out to friends, causing a few heads to turn. Dancing for hours most Friday and Saturday nights, going to dance class every week, and occasionally practicing in private had allowed me to develop a great new social skill.

The main level dance floor was still relatively sparse, and oddly enough, I didn't see any girls who I was very interested in dancing with. I started to think that my feelings for Rayna were diminishing my interest in other women, but instead of analyzing, I decided to go upstairs for a drink.

I had asked the pretty bartender Maria her name the last time I saw her, and as usual entered it into a note in my cell phone to make sure I'd remember.

"It's Maria, right?"
She said something inaudible, which I thought was a no.
"It's not?"
"It is! You sound unsure of yourself."
"Oh, I thought you said no! And I knew that was really your name, so I thought you were just messing with me."

I would joke around with her more later in the evening. It was a good start to the night, with me feeling as loose as ever in both dance and conversation. I took a seat in the basement, drank my bottle of water, and headed back upstairs to the main dance floor.

As I walked up the stairs, I noticed that my favorite song was playing. It became my favorite when I first heard it in Miami while a beautiful girl danced in my arms. Since then, I've always tried to dance with a pretty girl every time I've heard it.

I danced my way from the stairwell to the dance floor, singing boisterously along. When the first girl I tried to dance with dodged me, I moved on immediately, without even stopping for a moment. As I moved down the floor to find another partner, I inadvertently bumped a girl who was dancing behind me. She seemed to bump me back on purpose, so I decided to play and dance back-to-back with her, with my backside bumping against hers.

She was fun. When I turned around, I knew that she wanted to dance with me normally, so I had found a partner for the second half of my song. I noticed that her friends were a group I'd interacted with before. In fact, I'd spent a long time dancing with her tall friend a couple months ago, and had even asked for her phone number - before I started having so much success.

After a couple songs, I asked her name.

"Theresa. What's yours?"

I told her I'd met her friends a while back. She apparently remembered me herself - they'd probably talked about me afterwards - because she told me which friend it had been. I recalled what I remembered from that night, asking if she was also from Europe.

She was very happy to be dancing with me. I got the feeling that she'd been jealous of her friend the night we'd been together a while back; Theresa had probably been wishing it were her.

And now, only a few hours after I'd been bewildered by the lack of physicality on my third date with Rayna, I was getting very physical with a girl I'd known only minutes. A young German girl with long hair, Theresa looked extremely sexy in her short white skirt. As we grinded sensually to the music, we first held hands. Then, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her around her stomach. She took my hands again, and I raised them above her head. We played with each other's bodies for a while, and though nothing new to me, it was as fun as ever.

I told her that she smelled good.

It all started in seventh grade, if not before. On a bus field trip to Luray Caverns, I sat in the back with a group of my classmates, who were playing a game. They'd dare one of the girls to kiss a certain boy, or vice versa. As I sat silently - paralyzed with the shyness that robbed me of so many experiences as a child - I was fascinated by the french kiss.

That fascination never subsided. As the years passed, I thought about it. When the World Wide Web became popular, I read about it. Even up to the past few months, I studied it in videos. For so many years, I dreamt about it, and wondered what it would be like.

After that kiss with Rayna a few hours earlier - where I thought there was some slim chance she was trying to open her mouth - I realized that it would be hard to tell, since I had no firsthand experience with an open-mouthed kiss at almost age 26. I realized that if I were to finally kiss her like that, I might not know what to do, despite the articles and videos. If I were too awkward on my very first try, it might strike her as an odd thing for a 25-year-old.

I'd pondered it so much between the date and going to SuperBar that I had already started trying to come up with a solution, weighing my options. I thought that maybe I should make a move on my friend Natalie. We'd become such good friends that I had several times wondered if she were actually my best friend. She's moving back to Europe this month, so what would it matter? Or maybe, I thought, I'd make a move on Kelly. She lived too far away for there to be any real potential for us, but she was so crazy about me that I could easily make out with her. Then there was another girl I'd met at SuperBar, who lived on the opposite coast of the country, but would be in town for a wedding next week. Maybe I'd take her out, and make a move on her in effort to get some practice before things went further with Rayna.

And then, there was the best option.

Back on the very first night I went to a nightclub alone, I saw a stylishly dressed guy with sunglasses making out with a beautiful girl. I was in absolutely awe, since they apparently had just met that night. I then adapted my style to his, never showing up to a nightclub without sunglasses and a designer shirt.

It seemed like whenever I went out dancing, I'd notice some couple who had just met kissing. These people were getting more action within minutes or, at best, hours after meeting each other than I ever did, in total, in my entire life. Why couldn't that be me?

It could be. I had made it a goal a while back to kiss a girl in a nightclub, and probably could have accomplished it months ago, had I only live by the words he who is afraid of going too far will never find out how far one can go.

Back in the moment, I was in the middle of the dance floor with Theresa. We had separated and faced each other for a while so that we could talk - I said I liked her necklace - but she was now in my arms once again. I pressed the side of my face against hers as we continued grinding to the music, and it had gotten as hot and heavy as ever. Suddenly, I had a clairvoyant-like feeling that something was about to happen. I recalled my goal, and realized that this could be it.

I kissed Theresa's neck sensually. She turned, smiled, and said "Thank you..."

It was a different reaction.

Shortly afterwards, I kissed the side of her neck again. She turned, smiled again, and looked at me with a sweet expression. This time, she didn't turn away, and I knew what she wanted me to do.

Without any further thought, I kissed her lips. They were soft, moist, and wonderful. My eyes were closed as we continued to gently press our lips together for a few seconds.

She started slowly opening her mouth. This time, it was unmistakable, and I knew from years of articles, videos, and dreams what to do.

I opened my mouth too, and the next thing I knew, I felt her tongue. I also felt teeth, which for some reason I didn't expect. She flicked her tongue from side to side against mine, and I followed her lead when she slowly closed her mouth.

Finally, after over 13 years of immense yearning, I had kissed a girl. I had really kissed a girl, and had done it in the middle of a crowded room, dancing on the grave of my shyness.

I exalted in jubilation. It was a struggle to play it cool, with only my sunglasses helping to conceal my joy, which after only a few seconds forced my face to explode into a smile as I looked around for witnesses. I was happy to spot a short Indian guy about 30 - whose name I really need to find out - that I frequently see at SuperBar, speak to, and look for girls with. He nodded at me.

I wondered for a moment how badly I had done, if at all. Then, Theresa turned around again. And again, we kissed. This time, as I felt her tongue flick against mine, I took the lead by moving deep inside her mouth, slowly and sensually circling my tongue around hers.

Soon afterwards, we kissed yet again, with Theresa necessarily being the instigator since she was facing away from me.

I realized that since she kept initiating more kissing, I couldn't have been bad at all. I understood that there was no real way to mess it up. The mere intimacy and physical sensations of having the tongue of someone you're attracted to in your mouth, and vice versa, was in itself mind blowing.

After a while, she said she was going to go find her friends, who had left us alone. I moved on to give my witness friend five, shake his hand, and hear a few words indicating how throughly impressed he was. I then got back to dancing with the other club patrons.

Soon, I ended up dancing next to another girl who looked like she was having fun. I was doing an improvised foot-shuffle dance move in great rhythm to the song, and started a little ass bumping with the girl. She was delighted and impressed by my moves, saying she needed to learn my foot shuffle. I asked where she was from, and mentioned the dance studios in the city before asking her name. We ended up hanging out again on the VIP floor at the end of the night with some other guys we'd played around with, and I gave her a Feycebook card before I left. She sent me a message the next morning.

It was about an hour before I saw Theresa again, so I wondered if maybe she didn't think the kissing was as great as I did.

Other guys had been constantly talking to and trying to dance with her in my absence. When the DJ played Ain't No Mountain High Enough, I was nearby. She looked over and saw me, then moved away from her latest suitor.

I sang aloud boisterously as I took her back into my arms. As we danced, she turned again for me to kiss her, and I did. A few minutes later, I once more delighted in the sensation of slowly massaging the inside of her mouth with my tongue. It was a long, deep kiss, and my fifth or sixth with her - maybe seventh - that night.

We ended it slowly. As I opened my eyes, I continued to kiss her moist, wonderful, full lips for a few moments more. Her eyes were still closed as she indulged fully in the moment, swooning in pleasure as her lips remained fused with mine.

When I left the confines of the building later on, I felt that finally, I had lived.

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