Last night was so spectacular that if I had entitled this post "Mission Accomplished," no one would argue with me.
Since first discovering nightclubs six weeks ago, I've been virtually addicted to the scene, attending all but one weekend. Once, I even went on both Friday and Saturday nights. I love the exciting, people-packed environment, but my adventures have also been a big factor in furthering my mission. In fact, the nightclub is really a sort of gym. It's a gym for building social muscles like courage and confidence. The people and situations in the nightclub provide the equipment needed to do exercises that build social muscles that will eventually allow inhibition to be overpowered.
My time at the club last weekend was pretty abysmal (hence, I didn't mention it in the blog). I ended up spending way too much money, and I scarcely managed any positive interactions the whole night. The place was overcrowded, the music was bad, and the women were too guarded.
Last night, I started thinking that perhaps I was already ready to move on from the whole nightclub thing. I'd just had a great date, and had an activity with a friend planned for the next day, so I didn't really need to go as an exercise for the mission. I was going to stay home, but I decided to generally try to stop over-analyzing in my life, and just go and do what I felt like doing.
I felt like going to a new nightclub, and so that's what I was going to do.
I had no idea that it would be one of the best nights of my entire life.
At first, I felt nervous as I waited in a short line outside SuperBar, a bar/dance club combination with 4 floors. I was anxious, and felt like I needed a nap. A group of young girls and one guy with Brazilian passports were in front of me, but they never made eye contact, and I didn't feel loose enough to initiate an interaction with them.
I wasn't strategizing at all this time. There was no self-talk about staying present, making observations, following impulses, or the like. I had settled down mentally, so it would be time to see if I'd yet reached the point at which all of those things become automatic.
After about 10 minutes, a pair of guys got in line behind me. I was generally looking around, and one of them made a comment about the people in another line getting admitted to the club faster. I explained that the other line was a guest-list line, and he told me that he had a friend who worked there.
Soon, another group came behind us. One of the guys asked how long I'd been waiting. I implied that the bouncers were making us wait needlessly, and the group started joking about it. The first two guys got in on the conversation, and we learned that they were soldiers that had just returned from Iraq. It was a very light conversation, but it quickly led to one of the soldiers, Diego, offering to get us some passes for another night, and to the second group asking me about politics.
Finally, I got inside. The dance floor was narrow, though well-populated, and I got off to my usual start. I first stood near the bar without dancing, wondering how I could operate in such a small area. The sheer size of the dance floor at the big clubs had made me feel much less self-conscious. There were so many people at those clubs that it felt like I was bound to go unnoticed (actually, that was mere perception), and if I were somehow embarrassed with a group of people, I could easily move to another spot where they wouldn't see me.
I started making small motions near the bar, but it looked like I was going to be scared off from my usual dancing this time. After half an hour or so, I saw the soldier, Diego, from outside. He came over and asked me about taking my "pick." He was talking about hitting on girls (right up my alley!), and it was my first opportunity, in over a year, to really play with another guy.
I now had a friend at the club. Suddenly, dancing didn't seem difficult. I asked Diego a few questions, and he told me that he'd hooked up with 3 ladies at the same club last night (perhaps a fish tale), and he showed me his dog tag, which was his secret weapon. We moved around, waiting for an opportunity.
By now, I was dancing and having a good time. I was happy, and totally immersed in the environment instead of contemplating anything in my mind. I had no expectations.
Every now and then, Diego would come back over to me and talk about getting girls. It was always either him using the music as an excuse for not doing anything, or him telling me about a group of girls he spotted. He sometimes said he needed backup. It was fun: I tried to use Army terminology, telling him I had him covered, or that he was on point. Usually, the girls weren't very responsive. Once, they outright ran away from us. A whole group! But we were having fun, and were both unfazed. To me, none of it was very important. I was there to play, and as far as girls went, I was just in it for the sport.
Finally, I broke out my own secret weapon - sunglasses - and told Diego and his friend, "Game on!" We exchanged low-five handshakes, as we did throughout the night, and I soon went in to back up Diego when he spotted a sexy, full-figured blonde dancing with her gorgeous brunette friend. Diego started dancing (a little bump and grind) behind the blonde. I watched and danced on the side of the group at first, but he kept motioning me over until I took position behind the brunette. I scarcely even touched her before she grabbed her friend to dance with instead. Diego didn't give up, though; he yelled over to me, "switch!", and the brunette seemed willing to dance with him, and the blonde with me. I was having fun, and certainly wasn't going to feel offended. It would have been hard to have been upset anyway, because the sexy blonde and I were all over each other
We bumped, we ground. I explored her body from her thighs to her belly, and I raised her hands in the air, interlocking our fingers. Her long, pretty blonde hair was in my face, and it felt good. I can't really say it was all entirely sensual. It was somewhat clumsy - she had probably been drinking - but boy, was it fun.
The brunette probably moved away from Diego, because he told me to switch again. This time, the dark-haired beauty played along for a few moments, but then asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. I didn't, really, but I had never bought a girl a drink, so I said sure. Diego handed me 5 bucks to get the blonde a drink as well, and I ordered alcohol for the first time in my life. I figured the girl was probably just trying to get a free drink, but possibly could have been interested and wanted to talk to us. After getting her Bud Lite, the brunette said she was going to the bathroom. When I saw her again, she was hanging out with other people in a private section of the bar. It was no big deal; the next time an uninterested girl asks for a drink, I'll be sure to give her some witty banter instead.
By now, I had been dancing nonstop, even when I was alone. I was wearing a gray dress shirt, and could see that it had a few big sweat spots. The club was hot, and I was moving. Virtually nonstop.
I couldn't find Diego, and thought my two new friends had left the club, so I went upstairs to check out the Latin music floor. I walked down the narrow dance floor, and didn't have an impulse to interact with anyone until I got to the end. In the corner, there was a group of about 7 Mexican women dancing in a circle. I hesitated for only a moment, then followed my impulse to play with them.
I moved to the outside of the circle, and started dancing. They smiled, and I kept on dancing. They were all entertained, and one of them soon moved over to dance with me. Most of the women looked to be in the usual 18-25 age range for the club, but one of them was clearly older, and I figured she was probably the mother of one of the girls. Combined with the general sweet, innocent look of the girls, that meant it would be all rather wholesome dancing - no bumping and grinding - and that was cool.
I was looser than ever in life, and was doing hip-hop moves to Latin music, so the group was delightedly entertained. They motioned me into the center of the circle and started taking turns, with each woman coming in to dance with me. We were all smiling and laughing during my awkward attempts at basic Latin dance moves like turning around my partner.
By now, these were my friends. I stayed for a long time, and continued to play with the group. I followed their lead dancing to well-known Spanish music, quickly learning when to jump and shout "Uno dos tres!" on beat.
I realized that my mission metamorphosis had turned me into someone just like Amorita, my friend who makes friends effortlessly. Except for a little instruction about how to bend down and stand up in rhythm for the song, I hadn't actually understood a word that the group had said the whole time. They were speaking entirely in Spanish as they joked and laughed. When someone took out a camera to take a group picture, I first stayed on the outside, but they wouldn't let me. They beckoned me to get in the photos, and of course, I did! Just like Amorita. When they got together to take more later, I moved in on my own and knelt down beside a couple of guys who had joined us. They laughed. Everyone was happy, and it was a lot of fun.
And still, we played some more. We linked together and formed a dance train, moving it throughout the space in the bar that had become ours. We held on to each other in another circle, and jumped up and down for another song. A girl in the middle of that circle bounced her head against my chin and sat down to ease the slight pain, so it gave me a chance to finally talk to one of them. I asked if they were celebrating a birthday or anything, and she told me that her Aunt and girlfriend were just visiting from California. Before moving on, I played with them some more. It had been at least 45 minutes, and I knew we had provided each other with some great memories. I only wish I had one of the photos to post in this entry.
I decided to go back downstairs and check out the hip-hop floor. By now, my nice dress shirt was drenched with sweat. No one else in the building was as sweaty as I was, because no one else in the building was as active as I was. Naturally, people started making comments and asking questions about my shirt.
"Damn dude, what have you been doing?"
"Dancing, man! What have you been doing?"
"I've been chillin, man."
"I came to dance. I can chill at home."
"True that. Well it's only 1:30, so I've still got time."
I could see that people actually admired me for having a such a good time. People stopped and looked as I walked by them. One of the girls who worked at the desk even came up to me and smelled the shirt.
By now, there wasn't a shred of inhibition in my mind, body, or soul. When I started out dancing weeks ago, I felt stiff and a little nervous. I moved as if I had lead in my shoes. Now, though, it was totally different. I moved more loosely than I ever have in my entire life.
I hadn't seen Diego in over an hour, but I didn't need him to do whatever I wanted now.
I spotted a girl dancing by herself. She was dark-skinned, and was wearing low-cut jeans. I could see that she was wearing a g-string.
I started dancing with her. By now, I was a virtual wild man, and knew that it boded well for my dancing. I was sure that I was dancing well, and she seemed to be warming up, interacting with me more. Soon she turned her back to me and I took one of her hands, raising it above her head. She initiated some bump-and-grind, which by now you probably know is something I really like
. I held on to her waist and thighs, and explored her body up to the bare belly exposed by her tank-top. Physical play with the opposite sex just never gets old - especially if you've come from where I started.
After that, I might have very well been the most happy person in the world for the rest of the night. I found a spot on the dance floor in front of a fan, and I went insane. I danced with absolute fury! I jumped around rhythmically with a nonstop supply of great new improvised dance moves. I shouted on cue and I sang. I gritted my teeth, and was playing with such absolutely vigor that my legs started to hurt. Every now and then, I glanced over at the reserved table area. I spotted a couple of people watching me the whole time. They were in awe.
Drenched in sweat, I might have been the most uninhibited person SuperBar has ever seen. All without ever consuming a drop of alcohol.
I decided to see what else was going on, and worked my way across the floor on the first level. I had been interacting with people at random: giving a five-shake to a male wallflower who nodded at me; asking a girl why she wasn't dancing; doing whatever I felt like doing.
Downstairs was a very sparsely populated dance floor with open seats on the side. Here, I found Diego. He and his friend were chatting with a few guys, probably about tattoos, and getting them to buy drinks for girls who were sitting down (he was apparently under 21).
As he talked, I played. I went back to my furious dance moves, only this time, I was the only person in the room dancing. I was the absolute center of attention, with my extreme hyperactivity, sunglasses, and sweat-drenched shirt. People smiled and nodded. I returned the gestures, and danced on.
Finally, I took a seat. I started chatting with Diego's friend Rod, while Diego entertained the two ladies he'd bought the drinks for. We talked for a while, and I found out that he was a medic in the Army; that he'd be in town for two more months; that he was married; what he wanted to do in his career, and other stuff like that. One of the club promoters came over, and started talking to us as if we were already his friends (i.e., assuming raport). He pointed out the bartender - one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen - and told us that he's going to marry her, although she doesn't know it yet, because they just met last Tuesday.
After Rod and I got separated in another hunt for ladies, I returned to the calm basement area of the club with Diego. A girl who had been standing by the basement DJ finally took a seat, so I followed my impulse to sit down next to her and start a conversation. At some point, Diego came over to tell us how he used his Army ranger training to help a bouncer, and to break some guy's arm who pulled a knife on him one day. He was one of the toughest guys in the world, and he excitedly proclaimed that he loves what he does. Still, though, I spent most of the time talking to the girl 1-on-1.
I asked if she was one of the DJ's, and she explained that it was her boyfriend's first night on the job, so she was standing with him to ease his nerves. Immediately, it was as comfortable as talking to a close friend. She inquired in amazement about my sweat-drenched shirt, and I joked with her about that. I complimented her boyfriend's performance, and we talked about music, stuff going on in the environment (like a guy wearing a wedding dress), and more. I effortlessly thought of questions, such as asking what she and her boyfriend usually do for fun, since she said she'd outgrown the club scene.
When I first saw her standing, I had no interest, and thought she was the type I wouldn't be physically attracted to. Halfway into our conversation, though, she seemed like a great girl, and I felt strong attraction, finding myself wanting to put my arm around her in embrace. That was one of the rare impulses that shouldn't be followed, especially since her live-in boyfriend was standing two feet away from us.
. Still, though, it was good: I remembered that I've never had a girlfriend, and now that my inhibition has been obliterated, I expect that to change in the near future.
I had been at the club since 10:00PM, and it was now nearing closing time, 3:00AM. People in the basement started heading out.
The promoter with the marital aspirations came by, gave me a five-shake, and told me to come back.
A guy who was with him came over and gave me a handshake-hug, although I hadn't actually spoken to him before.
Diego came over to say goodbye to the girl I'd been talking to, and I took her hand as I left. She said it was nice meeting me.
A girl I hadn't noticed walked by before I went out, and put up her hand for me to give her a high-five. I apparently had created rapport with a number of people in the building, by way of the relentless dancing that at times had put me at the center of attention.
Finally, I headed upstairs with my new friends. When the lights came on to signal closing time, I gave a round of applause. It was a round of applause for the night, for myself, and for the mission.
Once we were outside, I bade farewell and good luck to my new friends. Rod asked my name, so I asked how long they were going to be in town. Rod said to give him a call if I wanted to go out again sometime. Diego would be in town for only two more weeks, while Rod would be around for two months, so I pulled out my cell phone and added his number. He reaffirmed that we should go out again to dance and get some girls.
One of the best nights of my life had come to a close.
I had completed a spectacular metamorphosis.
Since first discovering nightclubs six weeks ago, I've been virtually addicted to the scene, attending all but one weekend. Once, I even went on both Friday and Saturday nights. I love the exciting, people-packed environment, but my adventures have also been a big factor in furthering my mission. In fact, the nightclub is really a sort of gym. It's a gym for building social muscles like courage and confidence. The people and situations in the nightclub provide the equipment needed to do exercises that build social muscles that will eventually allow inhibition to be overpowered.
My time at the club last weekend was pretty abysmal (hence, I didn't mention it in the blog). I ended up spending way too much money, and I scarcely managed any positive interactions the whole night. The place was overcrowded, the music was bad, and the women were too guarded.
Last night, I started thinking that perhaps I was already ready to move on from the whole nightclub thing. I'd just had a great date, and had an activity with a friend planned for the next day, so I didn't really need to go as an exercise for the mission. I was going to stay home, but I decided to generally try to stop over-analyzing in my life, and just go and do what I felt like doing.
I felt like going to a new nightclub, and so that's what I was going to do.
I had no idea that it would be one of the best nights of my entire life.
At first, I felt nervous as I waited in a short line outside SuperBar, a bar/dance club combination with 4 floors. I was anxious, and felt like I needed a nap. A group of young girls and one guy with Brazilian passports were in front of me, but they never made eye contact, and I didn't feel loose enough to initiate an interaction with them.
I wasn't strategizing at all this time. There was no self-talk about staying present, making observations, following impulses, or the like. I had settled down mentally, so it would be time to see if I'd yet reached the point at which all of those things become automatic.
After about 10 minutes, a pair of guys got in line behind me. I was generally looking around, and one of them made a comment about the people in another line getting admitted to the club faster. I explained that the other line was a guest-list line, and he told me that he had a friend who worked there.
Soon, another group came behind us. One of the guys asked how long I'd been waiting. I implied that the bouncers were making us wait needlessly, and the group started joking about it. The first two guys got in on the conversation, and we learned that they were soldiers that had just returned from Iraq. It was a very light conversation, but it quickly led to one of the soldiers, Diego, offering to get us some passes for another night, and to the second group asking me about politics.
Finally, I got inside. The dance floor was narrow, though well-populated, and I got off to my usual start. I first stood near the bar without dancing, wondering how I could operate in such a small area. The sheer size of the dance floor at the big clubs had made me feel much less self-conscious. There were so many people at those clubs that it felt like I was bound to go unnoticed (actually, that was mere perception), and if I were somehow embarrassed with a group of people, I could easily move to another spot where they wouldn't see me.
I started making small motions near the bar, but it looked like I was going to be scared off from my usual dancing this time. After half an hour or so, I saw the soldier, Diego, from outside. He came over and asked me about taking my "pick." He was talking about hitting on girls (right up my alley!), and it was my first opportunity, in over a year, to really play with another guy.
I now had a friend at the club. Suddenly, dancing didn't seem difficult. I asked Diego a few questions, and he told me that he'd hooked up with 3 ladies at the same club last night (perhaps a fish tale), and he showed me his dog tag, which was his secret weapon. We moved around, waiting for an opportunity.
By now, I was dancing and having a good time. I was happy, and totally immersed in the environment instead of contemplating anything in my mind. I had no expectations.
Every now and then, Diego would come back over to me and talk about getting girls. It was always either him using the music as an excuse for not doing anything, or him telling me about a group of girls he spotted. He sometimes said he needed backup. It was fun: I tried to use Army terminology, telling him I had him covered, or that he was on point. Usually, the girls weren't very responsive. Once, they outright ran away from us. A whole group! But we were having fun, and were both unfazed. To me, none of it was very important. I was there to play, and as far as girls went, I was just in it for the sport.
Finally, I broke out my own secret weapon - sunglasses - and told Diego and his friend, "Game on!" We exchanged low-five handshakes, as we did throughout the night, and I soon went in to back up Diego when he spotted a sexy, full-figured blonde dancing with her gorgeous brunette friend. Diego started dancing (a little bump and grind) behind the blonde. I watched and danced on the side of the group at first, but he kept motioning me over until I took position behind the brunette. I scarcely even touched her before she grabbed her friend to dance with instead. Diego didn't give up, though; he yelled over to me, "switch!", and the brunette seemed willing to dance with him, and the blonde with me. I was having fun, and certainly wasn't going to feel offended. It would have been hard to have been upset anyway, because the sexy blonde and I were all over each other

We bumped, we ground. I explored her body from her thighs to her belly, and I raised her hands in the air, interlocking our fingers. Her long, pretty blonde hair was in my face, and it felt good. I can't really say it was all entirely sensual. It was somewhat clumsy - she had probably been drinking - but boy, was it fun.
The brunette probably moved away from Diego, because he told me to switch again. This time, the dark-haired beauty played along for a few moments, but then asked if I wanted to buy her a drink. I didn't, really, but I had never bought a girl a drink, so I said sure. Diego handed me 5 bucks to get the blonde a drink as well, and I ordered alcohol for the first time in my life. I figured the girl was probably just trying to get a free drink, but possibly could have been interested and wanted to talk to us. After getting her Bud Lite, the brunette said she was going to the bathroom. When I saw her again, she was hanging out with other people in a private section of the bar. It was no big deal; the next time an uninterested girl asks for a drink, I'll be sure to give her some witty banter instead.
By now, I had been dancing nonstop, even when I was alone. I was wearing a gray dress shirt, and could see that it had a few big sweat spots. The club was hot, and I was moving. Virtually nonstop.
I couldn't find Diego, and thought my two new friends had left the club, so I went upstairs to check out the Latin music floor. I walked down the narrow dance floor, and didn't have an impulse to interact with anyone until I got to the end. In the corner, there was a group of about 7 Mexican women dancing in a circle. I hesitated for only a moment, then followed my impulse to play with them.
I moved to the outside of the circle, and started dancing. They smiled, and I kept on dancing. They were all entertained, and one of them soon moved over to dance with me. Most of the women looked to be in the usual 18-25 age range for the club, but one of them was clearly older, and I figured she was probably the mother of one of the girls. Combined with the general sweet, innocent look of the girls, that meant it would be all rather wholesome dancing - no bumping and grinding - and that was cool.
I was looser than ever in life, and was doing hip-hop moves to Latin music, so the group was delightedly entertained. They motioned me into the center of the circle and started taking turns, with each woman coming in to dance with me. We were all smiling and laughing during my awkward attempts at basic Latin dance moves like turning around my partner.
By now, these were my friends. I stayed for a long time, and continued to play with the group. I followed their lead dancing to well-known Spanish music, quickly learning when to jump and shout "Uno dos tres!" on beat.
I realized that my mission metamorphosis had turned me into someone just like Amorita, my friend who makes friends effortlessly. Except for a little instruction about how to bend down and stand up in rhythm for the song, I hadn't actually understood a word that the group had said the whole time. They were speaking entirely in Spanish as they joked and laughed. When someone took out a camera to take a group picture, I first stayed on the outside, but they wouldn't let me. They beckoned me to get in the photos, and of course, I did! Just like Amorita. When they got together to take more later, I moved in on my own and knelt down beside a couple of guys who had joined us. They laughed. Everyone was happy, and it was a lot of fun.
And still, we played some more. We linked together and formed a dance train, moving it throughout the space in the bar that had become ours. We held on to each other in another circle, and jumped up and down for another song. A girl in the middle of that circle bounced her head against my chin and sat down to ease the slight pain, so it gave me a chance to finally talk to one of them. I asked if they were celebrating a birthday or anything, and she told me that her Aunt and girlfriend were just visiting from California. Before moving on, I played with them some more. It had been at least 45 minutes, and I knew we had provided each other with some great memories. I only wish I had one of the photos to post in this entry.
I decided to go back downstairs and check out the hip-hop floor. By now, my nice dress shirt was drenched with sweat. No one else in the building was as sweaty as I was, because no one else in the building was as active as I was. Naturally, people started making comments and asking questions about my shirt.
"Damn dude, what have you been doing?"
"Dancing, man! What have you been doing?"
"I've been chillin, man."
"I came to dance. I can chill at home."
"True that. Well it's only 1:30, so I've still got time."
I could see that people actually admired me for having a such a good time. People stopped and looked as I walked by them. One of the girls who worked at the desk even came up to me and smelled the shirt.
By now, there wasn't a shred of inhibition in my mind, body, or soul. When I started out dancing weeks ago, I felt stiff and a little nervous. I moved as if I had lead in my shoes. Now, though, it was totally different. I moved more loosely than I ever have in my entire life.
I hadn't seen Diego in over an hour, but I didn't need him to do whatever I wanted now.
I spotted a girl dancing by herself. She was dark-skinned, and was wearing low-cut jeans. I could see that she was wearing a g-string.
I started dancing with her. By now, I was a virtual wild man, and knew that it boded well for my dancing. I was sure that I was dancing well, and she seemed to be warming up, interacting with me more. Soon she turned her back to me and I took one of her hands, raising it above her head. She initiated some bump-and-grind, which by now you probably know is something I really like

After that, I might have very well been the most happy person in the world for the rest of the night. I found a spot on the dance floor in front of a fan, and I went insane. I danced with absolute fury! I jumped around rhythmically with a nonstop supply of great new improvised dance moves. I shouted on cue and I sang. I gritted my teeth, and was playing with such absolutely vigor that my legs started to hurt. Every now and then, I glanced over at the reserved table area. I spotted a couple of people watching me the whole time. They were in awe.
Drenched in sweat, I might have been the most uninhibited person SuperBar has ever seen. All without ever consuming a drop of alcohol.
I decided to see what else was going on, and worked my way across the floor on the first level. I had been interacting with people at random: giving a five-shake to a male wallflower who nodded at me; asking a girl why she wasn't dancing; doing whatever I felt like doing.
Downstairs was a very sparsely populated dance floor with open seats on the side. Here, I found Diego. He and his friend were chatting with a few guys, probably about tattoos, and getting them to buy drinks for girls who were sitting down (he was apparently under 21).
As he talked, I played. I went back to my furious dance moves, only this time, I was the only person in the room dancing. I was the absolute center of attention, with my extreme hyperactivity, sunglasses, and sweat-drenched shirt. People smiled and nodded. I returned the gestures, and danced on.
Finally, I took a seat. I started chatting with Diego's friend Rod, while Diego entertained the two ladies he'd bought the drinks for. We talked for a while, and I found out that he was a medic in the Army; that he'd be in town for two more months; that he was married; what he wanted to do in his career, and other stuff like that. One of the club promoters came over, and started talking to us as if we were already his friends (i.e., assuming raport). He pointed out the bartender - one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen - and told us that he's going to marry her, although she doesn't know it yet, because they just met last Tuesday.
After Rod and I got separated in another hunt for ladies, I returned to the calm basement area of the club with Diego. A girl who had been standing by the basement DJ finally took a seat, so I followed my impulse to sit down next to her and start a conversation. At some point, Diego came over to tell us how he used his Army ranger training to help a bouncer, and to break some guy's arm who pulled a knife on him one day. He was one of the toughest guys in the world, and he excitedly proclaimed that he loves what he does. Still, though, I spent most of the time talking to the girl 1-on-1.
I asked if she was one of the DJ's, and she explained that it was her boyfriend's first night on the job, so she was standing with him to ease his nerves. Immediately, it was as comfortable as talking to a close friend. She inquired in amazement about my sweat-drenched shirt, and I joked with her about that. I complimented her boyfriend's performance, and we talked about music, stuff going on in the environment (like a guy wearing a wedding dress), and more. I effortlessly thought of questions, such as asking what she and her boyfriend usually do for fun, since she said she'd outgrown the club scene.
When I first saw her standing, I had no interest, and thought she was the type I wouldn't be physically attracted to. Halfway into our conversation, though, she seemed like a great girl, and I felt strong attraction, finding myself wanting to put my arm around her in embrace. That was one of the rare impulses that shouldn't be followed, especially since her live-in boyfriend was standing two feet away from us.

I had been at the club since 10:00PM, and it was now nearing closing time, 3:00AM. People in the basement started heading out.
The promoter with the marital aspirations came by, gave me a five-shake, and told me to come back.
A guy who was with him came over and gave me a handshake-hug, although I hadn't actually spoken to him before.
Diego came over to say goodbye to the girl I'd been talking to, and I took her hand as I left. She said it was nice meeting me.
A girl I hadn't noticed walked by before I went out, and put up her hand for me to give her a high-five. I apparently had created rapport with a number of people in the building, by way of the relentless dancing that at times had put me at the center of attention.
Finally, I headed upstairs with my new friends. When the lights came on to signal closing time, I gave a round of applause. It was a round of applause for the night, for myself, and for the mission.
Once we were outside, I bade farewell and good luck to my new friends. Rod asked my name, so I asked how long they were going to be in town. Rod said to give him a call if I wanted to go out again sometime. Diego would be in town for only two more weeks, while Rod would be around for two months, so I pulled out my cell phone and added his number. He reaffirmed that we should go out again to dance and get some girls.
One of the best nights of my life had come to a close.
I had completed a spectacular metamorphosis.
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